Real Property Management Excellence

7 Tips to Maintain Your Roof and Gutters

John F. Kennedy said, “The time to repair the roof is when the sun is shining.”

Stay ahead of repairs by regularly inspecting the areas you don’t see every day, they are often forgotten.

These areas on your rental property can be easily neglected, but with a little proactive maintenance, you can protect your rental and avoid costly repairs. We strongly suggest you use these 7 tips for better maintenance of your roof.

  1. Replace curling, buckling or cracking shingles
  2. Ensure no gaps in the flashing around skylights, vent pipes and chimneys
  3. Seal all seams and joints properly, and block small entry holes used by pests
  4. Ensure gutters are secured and sloped correctly for proper drainage
  5. Clean gutters to prevent leakage and back-up
  6. Clear debris
  7. Trim branches near the roof

Fall and spring are great times to inspect your roof and rain gutters on your rental property in preparation for the rainy or snowy season. Your Real Property Management office can assist you in evaluating your roof to avoid problems so that you aren’t left with a major repair in the spring.