Real Property Management Excellence

Part 2: Are Apex Residents Making Unauthorized Changes to the Exterior of Your Rental Property?

When residents set foot into a new rental home, one of the initial things they frequently do is bring in additional decorative elements. Occasionally, this urge to personalize their rental home extends to the exterior of the house as well. Several Apex property owners demand their residents to keep the landscaping to some extent, and ideal residents are glad to do so. They like to glory in their home, too, even if they don’t really own the place.

But when your residents wish to alter the exterior of the home, this is where things can go wrong in haste. As the owner, you may get requests from residents wanting to produce transformations like planting new trees or plants in the yard, producing new flower beds, or transforming a corner of the yard into a vegetable garden. Other exterior changes that residents may demand include new exterior doors, light fixtures, or even varying the color of the house itself.

You could be tempted to let them construct some few remodeling, particularly if they like to pay for it themselves. However, it’s essential to recall that not all revisions are good. If the resident’s workmanship is low quality, that could earnestly impact your property values and your ability to rent the home moving forward.

You can require them to return the property back the way it was when they first set foot in, but if sod has been disturbed or plantings moved or changed, that may not be feasible. Future residents may not be happy with the maintenance involved in a vegetable garden as much as your existing residents do, and it is things like this that make potential renters pass your property over for one with lesser maintenance. If your rental home is positioned within a homeowners’ association, there may be restrictions and additional permissions that you must track before modifications are endorsed.

If residents continue and make improvements to the exterior of your Apex rental property without your permission, you will need to do the suitable next steps. But what should you do? You could charge them for any required repairs and then hire someone to repair it. Or you can try to make them do it themselves. But your ideal choice is to hire a property management company that can not only constantly watch your properties for you but also govern unauthorized changes as they happen.

At Real Property Management Excellence, we know the problems that rise from unauthorized changes to your property. We are devoted to protecting your investment, and that means making certain your residents conceive what unauthorized changes are and the results for making them. Our property maintenance programs are planned to increase the potential of your investment while keeping costs minimal. For more information about our property management services, please contact us online or give us a call at 919-827-1107 today!